Design Ah! Exhibition in KUMAMOTO
June 30(Sun.) - September 8(Sun.) 2019
The Design Ah! program on the NHK Educational TV was created to nurture children’s “design minds”. This exhibition expands the practice of Design Ah! into an experiential space. Excellent designs have innovations that further improve connections between people, and between people and things. For the Design Ah! TV program, “design mind” is interpreted as the combination of sensibility and thinking to be aware of one's environment (LOOK), investigate what kinds of problems exist (THINK), and make a better situation (CREATE), using a diversity of expressions. This Design Ah! Exhibition was created so that visitors can experience and participate in this “design mind”. Our wish is for children—who will be responsible for the future—to experience the richness of looking, thinking, and creating with their “design minds”.
Exhibition Directors

General Director
Taku Satoh

Video Director
Yugo Nakamura

Music Director
Keigo Oyamada
Exhibit Composers
Tomohiro Okazaki, Perfectron, plaplax
Participating Artists
Yosuke Abe, Daihei Shibata, Mizuhiro, Noritake, Koutaro Takano, Dainippon. Type. Org., Noramoji Project, Ritsuko Nomura, Takuya Hosogane, Pantograph, Yukiya Okada, Yoshimasa Matsuo, stand stones, Yusuke Saitoh, aircord, Tomohiro Akagawa, Yoshiaki Fujimori, Takanobu Inafuku
A: The Observation Room
The five everyday themes are: bento lunchboxes, icon, container, body, and name. How does design connect us to them? Explore by looking, thinking, and creating!
B: The Immersion Room
Step into an audio-visual world composed specially for the exhibition, covering all four walls of the exhibition hall. Experience being enveloped in the sounds and visions of design.
C: The Imagination Room
How do we sense place, the flow of time and human motion through design? Explore through Space, Time, and Structure!
+ Activity Corner
Take part in Dessin Ah, Everybody's Ah and Crest activities from the Design Ah! program on NHK Educational TV. Dessin Ah works are posted on the special website. In Everybody's Ah, works selected by exhibition participants will be displayed at the exhibition venue. Be sure to have a go!
Exhibition Information
June 30(Sun.) - September 8(Sun.) 2019
Opening Hours:
10:00 AM - 8:00 PM (admission until 7:30 PM)
Adults Seniors
(65 and over)Students
(high school students and over)General ¥1,300 ¥1,000 ¥800 Reduce* ¥1,100 ¥800 ¥600 ★Junior high school students and under ¥0
*Advance ticket / group (20 or over) / for admission after 5:00 PM / with one-day ticket for tram or buss, etc.
**Advance tickets will be on sales until June 29(Sat.).
Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto Gallery I and II
Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto, NHK Kumamoto, NHK Educational Corporation, NHK PlanNet Kyushu INC., Kumamoto Nichinichi Press
NHK Promotions Inc.
Equipment Cooperation:
JAPAN MATERIAL Co.,Ltd., Fostex Company
Video Cooperation:
Material Cooperation:
Special Support:
Sojo University (Faculty of Art, Department of Design), KAMITORI, JAGDA KUMAMOTO
Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kumamoto City Board of Education, Kumamoto Ken Bunka Kyokai (Cultural Association of Kumamoto), Kumamoto Ken Bijutsuka Renmei (Artist’s Union of Kumamoto), Kumamoto International Convention and Tourism Bureau, J:COM, FM-Kumamoto, FM791