About CAMK

Contemporary Art Museum,Kumamoto

Our Mission

Contemporary Art Museum,Kumamoto intends to create a tolerant city that accepts diversity
and a future where citizens can live in a truly fulfilling way.

Our Vision

Contemporary Art Museum,Kumamoto aims to be a museum of the
times that each and every citizen can depend on.

  • 1.Become a place where one can regularly come in contact with diverse facets of culture.
  • 2.Provide plenty of opportunities for others to have their emotions stirred.
  • 3.Continue to think about the future of our city along with citizens.


June 1993
Planning for the construction of an art museum begins after the family of late artist Nobumichi Ide donates his major works to the City of Kumamoto
Kumamoto City Council announces that an art museum will be constructed as part of the Kamitori District A First Urban Redevelopment Project
April 1997
Kumamoto City government establishes the City Museum Construction Project in the then Cultural Promotion Section of its Policy Planning and Finance Bureau's Planning and Public Relations Department.
September 1997
Kumamoto City Art Museum Construction Analysis Committee founded to discuss the basic principles behind the new museum as well as its functions and activities
July 1998
Kumamoto City Art Museum Construction Analysis Committee releases its interim report detailing the construction framework for the art museum
March 1999
Kumamoto City Art Museum Construction Analysis Committee releases its final report, entitled "Design Ideals for Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto"
January 2000
Groundbreaking ceremony held for the construction of the Kamitori District A Urban Redevelopment Building, which will house the new museum
December 2001
Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto Ordinance enacted, establishing the Kumamoto City Arts and Culture Promotion Foundation as the new museum's governing body.
March 2002
Museum Establishment and Preparation Section established in the Policy Planning and Coordination Bureau (the current Planning and Financing Bureau).
October 12, 2002
Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto opens